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Your Ultimate Discord Revenue Booster

The All-In-One sales bot for your Discord server. Now available.

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Join our 200+ clients worldwide



Increase your server's revenue Auto-Ticket. This allows you to capture your customer immediately when they join your server by automatically creating a private channel that only you and them have access to. Upon creation, it will send an introductory message and you can close them on your membership over text.



Our customizable bot means that you can add your name and logo to the bot so that every action the bot takes has your branding on it and is congruent with the rest of the server. You won't see the Helix name or logo anywhere, unless you prefer it that way.


Check out our plans below.

SAVE 40%



Custom Branded Bot

Our customizable bot means that you can add your name and logo to the bot so that every action the bot takes has your branding attached and is congruent with the rest of the server. You won’t see the Helix name or logo anywhere, unless you prefer it that way.

Auto Ticket

Automatically creates a private sales channel for every new member that joins your server, giving you the ability to directly speak to and sell each member on your offer (largest revenue driver).


Join 200+ servers using Helix.

Server example


125,000 Members

Server example

Superior Finance

$70,000+ MRR

Server example

Scope MRKT

10,000+ Members

Server example

Champs Only

17,000+ Members

Server example

Options Swing

$4,700,000+ Revenue

Frequently Asked Questions

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Helix Today!